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Showing posts from September, 2015


UNDERSTANDING THE  PEACH TREE  ENVIRONMENT It is pertinent to understand the items in the menu bar and what you can achieve with them.   THE DIFFERENT MENUS IN  PEACH TREE  AND THEIR FUNCTIONS : FILE MENU S/N SUB MENUS OF THE FILE MENU FUNCTIONS 1 OPEN COMPANY Enables the creation of a new company 2 OPEN PREVIOUS COMPANY Enables you choose a company from the list of companies opened 3 NEW COMPANY Also enables creation of new company 4. CLOSE COMPANY Enables the closure of an opened company 5. SET UP GUIDE A step by step assistance in entering the information needed to set up your company 6. PRINT PREVIEW Enables the preview of what is to be printed 7. PRINT Enables you to have a hard copy of reports and forms 8...