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Peach tree now called Sage 50 is one of the most widely used accounting package.  It is easy to use and can be effectively used by both small and medium scale business enterprise.

This site is created to help train people for free how to use  the Peach tree Accounting Package.

This site will be beneficial to

  • Accounting graduates,
  • Accounting students,
  • Managers
  • Sole proprietors etc.
It is going to be very simple such that both accountants and other users will be able to carry out accounting activities on Peach tree.


Peach tree accounting package can be used to achieve the following:

  • Post accounting transactions relating to customers,
  • Post accounting transactions relating to suppliers,
  • Post accounting transactions relating to income, expenses, liabilities and assets.
  • Carry out auditing activities
  • Prepare Trial Balance, Trading Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet etc,
  • Post accounting transactions relating to employees
  • Post transactions relating to stocks
  • Post transactions for contracts and project.
  • It can be used to carry out financial analyses
  • It can be used to do bank reconciliation etc


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